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b 賀氏英文法全書 a




賀立民    教授



發報頻率:每週日發刊   (24)

三個以上的字結合在一起作為一個介詞用的片語即是所謂的三個字(除了冠詞即是三個字)片語介詞。此類片語介詞通常都是由 "介詞 ( + 冠詞) + 名詞 + 介詞" 結合而成。

21. At variance with (不和,和不一致)
    Why are you at variance with him?
    Your words are at variance with the facts.
    On that point we were at variance with each other.

第一篇 英文法的輪廓 (Outline)

第四章 句子 (Sentence)





儘可能不要用副詞做主詞補語,除非你所要表達的意思只有副詞而沒有同意義的形容詞,而這類副詞的意思大部分是相當於一個作形容詞用的介詞片語  如:


Stop crying. Your mother is here (there).
(= Stop crying. Your mother is at this 〔
that〕 place.)
(不要哭了, 你媽媽在這〔那〕裡。


My father is out, but my mother is in.
(= My father is not at home, but my mother is at home.)
(我爸爸出去了, 但是我媽媽在家。


Time is up. Put down your pens.
(= The time allowed is at an end. Put down your pens.)

本句裡的 allowed 不是動詞,是過去分詞,作形容詞用,修飾做主詞的名詞 time。


It is nearly eight. Why aren't you up yet?
(= It is nearly eight. Why aren't you out of bed yet?
= It is nearly eight. Why are you still in bed?)
(現在快八點了, 你怎麼還不起床


The newspaper says the typhoon will soon be over.
(=The newspaper says the typhoon will soon be at an end.)


不完全不及物動詞之後有時由於意義上的需要,先接副詞,然後再接做補語的形容詞;其中的副詞不是補語,而是修飾後面的形容詞或前面的動詞的修飾語  如:


It is pretty good.  (這個很好。)

本句裡的 pretty 不是形容詞,而是副詞;不是作主詞補語,而是修飾做補語的形容詞 good 的修飾語。


He went away hungry.  (= He was hungry when he went away.)
── 他餓著肚子跑掉了。)

本句裡的 away 不是主詞補語,而是修飾動詞 went 的修飾語。


通常, seem,appear,continueprove, turn out,come 與主詞補語之間有與沒有 to be 都是一樣  如:


 His chief amusement


 reading novels.

 seems to be






 continues to be



 The moonlight


 quite bright tonight.

 appears to be



 Our good reference books



 prove to be



 Don't worry. Everything

 will turn out

 all right.

 will turn out to be



 I don't know how he


 so unpopular.

 came to be




"seem to be"之後接不帶形容詞的名詞時,其中的to be 通常都不省略。  如:

I spoke to a tall man who seemed to be the boss.


seem 或 appear之後接不定詞時,用否定的動詞或否定的不定詞都可以表示否定的含義;在一般不必拘禮的場合,以否定動詞較為普遍。  如:

 She doesn't seem to like you.  (她好像不喜歡你。)
 She seems not to like you. 


seem / appear之後也可接to be 的完成式to have been,再接主詞補語──此時的to have been不可省略,其原因是to be所表示的時間和動詞seem/appear 所表示的時間是同時,而to have been (完成式) 所表示的時間卻比動詞seem/appear 所表示的時間為早(參閱第六篇完成式不定詞); 如果將to have been省略了,即無法表達此一"較早"的時間觀念。比較以下各組中的兩句:



He seems to be happy with her.
(= It seems that he is happy with her.)


He seems to have been happy with her.
(= It seems that he was
or has beenhappy with her.)


He seemed to be ill. (= It seemed that he was ill.)


He seemed to have been ill. (= It seemed that he had been ill.)


完全不及物動詞 grow 和 get 的進行式不是表示"正在…"的意思,是表示"漸漸…"的意思,和 become 的進行式的含義相同。因此,後面的補語並非表示主詞當時的狀況,而是表示當時的趨向。  如:


She is growing old.  (她漸漸老了。)


The weather is getting warm.  (天氣漸漸暖和起來了。)






He will make her a good wife.  (第五型)  (他將使她成為好妻子。)

a good wife 是受詞補語。

her =  a good wife


She will make him a good wife.  (第四型)  (她將成為他的好妻子。)

a good wife 是直接受詞, him 是間接受詞。

him≠a good wife


做受詞補語的形容詞只能放在受詞之後,如果放在受詞之前,則不再是受詞補語,而變成了修飾受詞的修飾語,而且含義和原句大不相同。  如:


We found the boy honest.  (我們發現這男孩子很誠實。)

本句的句型為: S. (we) + V. (found) + O. (the boy) + O.C. (honest)


We found the honest boy.  (我們找到了這個誠實的男孩。)

本句的句型為: S. (we) + V. (found) + O. (the honest boy)


elect,choose,make, appoint 之後做受詞補語的名詞若是表示"唯一的官職、身分"時,不帶有冠詞。  如:


In 1860 they elected Lincoln President of the United States.


He chose her private secretary.  (他挑選她做私人秘書。)

private secretary 是受詞補語。her = private secretary

He chose her a private secretary.
(= He chose a private secretary for her.)

a private secretary 是直接受詞,her 是間接受詞。her≠a private secretary


They made him King.  (他們擁他為王。)


The president appointed him assistant professor.


think, consider, believe,  suspect, imagine, fancy, suppose, see,find, feel, prove, declare,confess 之後的受詞補語"(to) be..."中的 (to) be常省略。  如:

(1) He thinks himself (to be) a genius.  (他自以為是天才。)


I consider the matter (to be) of little importance.


I believe him (to be) honest.  (我相信他很誠實。)


If a man is told he is a fool, he will suspect himself (to be) a fool and (he will) be sad.


He imagined himself (to be) the cleverest man on earth.

(6) She seems to fancy herself (to be) beautiful.  (她似乎自覺很美。)
(7) Most people supposed him (to be) innocent.  (大多數人以為他是無辜的。)

It hurt her to see him (be) so unhappy.


I found the man (to be) dead.  (我發覺這個人死了。)


He felt himself (be) the luckiest man in the world.  



He proved himself (to be) a coward.


The judge declared him (to be) innocent.  (法官宣告他無罪。)


He confessed himself (to be) guilty of murder.


regard 和 consider 同義,但 regard 的受詞之後必須先接 as 再接受詞補語。  如:


He regards himself as a genius.  (他自以為是個天才。)


We regard it as difficult.  (我們認為這件事很困難。)


有些動詞之後的受詞與受詞補語之關係相當於名詞子句裡的主詞與主詞補語之關係。  如:


I think him an able man. (= I think (that) he is an able man.)


I think this book useful.  (= I think (that) this book is useful.)


I think him dying.  (= I think (that) he is dying.)