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b 賀氏英文法全書 a

b 賀氏英文法全書 a




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三個字 (除了冠詞即是三個字) 片語介詞


 82. In doubt aboutof (對…有疑惑)
 When in doubt about the meaning of a word, consult a dictionary.

第三篇   代   名   詞 (Pronoun)

章   不定代名詞 Indefinite Pronoun



each otherone another




一般文法書裡 都說 each other 是指兩者互相, one another則指三者或更多,但這條規則並沒有反應在實際用法上,許多人都是將這兩個詞語不分區別的使用著。


each other 的所有格為 each other's,不是 each others'; one another 的所有格是 one another's,不是 one anothers'。 必須注意的是它們後面的名詞都是複數,不可用單數。 


The two brothers look like each other (or one another). 


The three sisters gave presents to one another (or each other) at Christmas. 


They know each other's (or one another's) weak points.



若非指某一件事,而是指平常都是如此的事,以用 one another 較為普遍。 如:

Brothers and sisters should help one another.(兄弟姐妹應該互相幫助。) 


副詞兼形容詞的 else 和 other 一樣也作 "其他的、別的" 講,後者是放在被修飾的名詞或 one 之前,前者則用於疑問詞 when, where, how, who, what, 或 somewhere等之後,或用於不定代名詞 little, much, all 等之後,或用於 somebody, anybody 等之後,或用於 or else 片語中。   如: 


He was born in Taiwan, but he was brought up somewhere else  (or some other place). 


It must be here; I have looked for it everywhere else.


Who else is coming?(別的還有誰要來?) 


Little else (= Not much more) remains to be done. 
(沒有剩下什麼事要做的了。 ) 


He must be joking, or else he's mad.


Do what I say, or else.(照我說的做,否則...〔要你好看〕。)


所有格 somebody's else, everybody's else 等都是過去的用法,如今卻都用somebody else's, everybody else's。唯一的例外是 "who else" 的所有格偶然會用 whose else,不過這只限於後面不是緊接著名詞。   如:


That must be somebody else's umbrella; it isn't mine. 


Who else's umbrella can it be?(它可能是其他什麼人的傘呢?)


有關 other 的慣用語


other than -- 大意是"除…而外","與…不同"。


He has no books other than the Bible.


I do not wish him other than he is.(I like him as he is.) 
(我不希望他與現在不同 -- 我喜歡他現在這樣。) 


The truth is quite other than (different from) what you think. 



every other day line)= every second day (line) = every two days(lines), 國語譯作 "每隔一天(行)","每兩天(行)"。 


 I don't go there every day (week), only every other dayweek). 
(我不是每天〔每星期〕去那裡 ,只是每隔一天〔每隔一星期〕去一次。)


Write it on every other line.(隔行寫。)


every third day = every three days(每隔兩天);every fourth day = every four days(每隔三天);餘類推。


the other day(night)= a few days (nights) ago -- 國語譯作"幾天以前(的夜裡 )"。


I met a girl friend of yours at the zoo the other day
(幾天前我在動物園裡 遇見了你的一位女朋友。)


That thunderstorm the other night frightened the baby. 
(幾天前夜裡 的那一場雷雨把這嬰兒嚇了。)


on the other hand  (另一方面,相反地) 


She is very fond of drawing; on the other hand, her husband indulges in gambling. 


Father and Mother wanted to go for a ride; the children, on the other hand, wanted to go swimming with their friends. 


On (the) one hand, I have to work; on the other hand, I have many visitors. 

Share the beautiful things with those who are close to us.

  更多精采內容請參閱 :  http://www.englishgrammar.com.tw

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