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許唇美懷了誰的小孩? -- "分號連接法"







"歌劇魅影"來台後, 造成一票難求的轟動. 王人甫的主管是個外國人, 請王人甫發封email替公司同事簡短地介紹"歌劇魅影". 三句太少, 五句太多, 讓我們用四句話來介紹"歌劇魅影".


Based on Gaston Leroux's novel, the story follows a disfigured composer who falls in love with a young soprano at the Paris Opera House.

(根據卡斯頓.勒胡的小說, 歌劇魅影敘述一個在巴黎歌劇院的外形受傷的作曲家愛上一個年輕女高音的故事.)

disfigured   (a.) 外形損傷 ; 醜陋

composer   (n.) 作曲家

soprano   (n.) 女高音



"The Phantom" was first performed in London in 1986 and made its way to Broadway in January of 1988.

(歌劇魅影於1986年在倫敦首次登台, 19881月在紐約百老匯表演.)

perform   (v.) 表演

make one's way   (v.) 前進 ; 成功



Webber's "The Phantom of Opera" became Broadway's longest running musical this month, surpassing another Webber's creation, Cats.

(劇本作者韋伯的歌劇魅影本週成為百老匯表演最久的歌舞劇, 超過了韋伯的另一個大作"".)

musical   (n.) 歌劇

surpass   (v.) 超過 ; 勝過



The reason that it has become so popular is the sympathetic characters.


popular   (a.) 受歡迎的

sympathetic   (a.) 引人共鳴的

character   (n.) 角色


, 對了, 歌劇魅影是歐洲的歌劇, 歌仔戲是台灣的民間戲曲, 兩者是不一樣的.




許唇美懷了誰的小孩? -- "分號連接法"

這年頭寫作, 要又辣又嗆又爭議, 才有人看. 除了辣嗆爭議性之外, 還要文章很短, 長篇累幅的東西根本引不起人的興趣. 什麼話題最引人興趣, 大概莫過於", 宗教, 秘密隱私"美國有個社區大學的英文寫作課出了一個作業, 要學生寫一篇儘可能短, 又要包括以下三個話題的文章:

(1): religion(宗教)

(2): sexuality()

(3): mystery(秘密)



"Good God, I am pregnant; I wonder who did it."

(好上帝啊, 我懷孕了, 我想知道孩子的爸爸是誰.)


這篇作品妙處很多, 比方說, Good God而不是My God, wonder這個字也非常有趣. 但是我們要強調的是她使用的分號(;).

在前幾期, 我們已介紹過數種句子連接法在英文寫作上, 兩句相連, 一定要有連接詞, 但是, 分號可以視為一個對等連接詞, 來連接兩個句子.

這篇作品的作者真的使這篇文章變得很短, 因為她甚至技巧性的用分號來代替一個連接詞的使用, 使得這篇文章在求""的訴求上, 妙的不可言喻.

I am pregnant, and I wonder who did it.

=> I am pregnant; I wonder who did it.


Mr. Smith is very rich.

His wife is much richer than him.

=> Mr. Smith is very rich, and his wife is much richer than him.

=> Mr. Smith is very rich; his wife is much richer than him.

(史密斯先生很有錢, 可是他太太比他更大大的有錢.)



She is a quiet person.

She is the champion of the national speech contest.

=> She is a quiet person, but she is the champion of the national speech contest.

=> She is a quiet person; she is the champion of the national speech contest.

(她是個很安靜的人, 但她是全國演講比賽冠軍.)





"瑪麗蓮夢露"雖已逝去, 是長存美國人心中歷久不衰的巨星與性感女神, 讓我們用三個句子來描述她.






Marilyn Monroe

1. Monroe was an American screen star, a blond sex symbol, and a comedienne who starred in a string of box-office hits such as "The Seven Year Itch".

(夢露是一個美國名星, 是金髮性感偶像, 是喜劇女演員, 演出許多票房大片像是"七年之癢".)

symbol   (n.) 象徵

comedienne   (n.) 喜劇女演員 comedian (n.) 喜劇演員

a string of   (a.) (連續的)一些

hit   (n.) 安打 ; 成功事物


2. She had highly publicized marriages to baseball great Joe DiMaggio and Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Arthur Miller.


publicized   (a.) 宣傳的

great   (n.) 名人 ; 大人物

playwright   (n.) 劇作家


3. Unfortunately, she succumbed to the pressures of Hollywood and died from an overdose of sleeping pills.

(不幸地, 她經不起好萊塢的壓力而死於安眠藥服用過量.)

succumb   (v.) 經不起 ; 屈服於

(:)He succumbed to temptation of gambling and lost a lot of money.

overdose   (n.) 藥劑過量

sleeping pill   (n.) 安眠藥



看過這樣的句子之後, 你也可以試著寫一個你心中的超級巨星.




本期要介紹商業英文寫作必學100動詞裡的 "outline"

outline  (v.) 描述 ; 輪廓出 

1. Before making the presentation to the management, John needs to outline his plan to his supervisor first.

(在向管理階層做簡報之前, John須先向主管略述他的計劃.)

2. This 3-page report outlined the whole program for the next 10 years.






很多人都不瞭解寫作是一門技藝, 就跟其他任何技藝一樣, 必須邊做邊學.

--- 波特







結婚, 只屬於想結婚的人.








Happy Chinese New Year !!






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